Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hamsters are not the only small animal that can get "wet-tail," but even small animals like Chinchillas, rabbits, gerbils, rats, and mice, can all get wet-tail, as it is caused by stress. For the most part wet-tail is nothing more than an extreme diarrhea. Without treatment, your pet can die within 24-48 hours, all depending on how soon you catch it. Once your hamster has had wet-tail and has been treated, he cannot get the illness again.

What Causes Wet-tail

As I mentioned above, wet-tail is stress related.
  • Too much handling
  • Change in environment
  • Change in diet
  • Inadequate cage cleaning
  • Being away from mother and/or siblings
  • Death of a tank mate
Baby hamsters are more prone to wet-tail than juvenile and adult hamsters.

Symptoms of Wet-tail

The symptoms may not appear for a few days or so, but once they set in, you can see various symptoms.
  • Wet bottom end
  • Smell/ foul odor
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of appetite
  • Excess sleeping
  • Not grooming itself
  • Walking with a hunched back
The most obvious symptom will be the wet bottom, tail area.

Wet-tail Treatment

Well, luckily there are several products out today that can help cure wet-tail. You can take a trip to most of your local petstores to include Petsmart and Petland to grab a bottle of 'Dri-Tail' or 'Wet-tail Drops.' Or, you can go to a vet that sees hamsters, and he can put the hamster on Baytril or Sulfatrim.
Personally, I have had better luck with 'Dri-Tail' than with the vet prescribed medicines.

Prevent Wet-tail

For a new hamster, you can prevent wet-tail by (1) have your hamster cage completely prepared and keep it clean as much as possible before moving the hamster in his home, (2) set the hamster up in his cage and leave him alone for a MINIMUM of 1-2 days allowing him time to adjust to his new surroundings, and (3) set up the cage in a quiet place with less traffic.
If you already have a hamster that you're worried about, (1) watch how much you handle the hamster, (2) watch the duration he is out of his tank, (3) try not to change his food or surroundings drastically, and (4) do not add any new hamsters in with him.

Squeezed to death

It's pretty obvious why squeezing your hamster results to death. It is because they have small frames or skeletal frames that can easily be crushed and break by even the slightest force a human can apply. If you love your ham-ham then you would always be gentle in holding and carrying them. There's no need to be harsh or to squeeze since they are just light and easy to manage. If your hamster gets very tricky then hold it with both of your hands but not to tight. You might injure or even kill your hamster. Be careful.

Falls from Height

One hamster guide that you should know is that a hamster shouldn't FALL from any distance. 2 ft is very high and he could twist something and/or even die. They do not sense height well at all. they are very poor at judging distance and don't see well. If he's bored in his cage either get him a hamster playpen which is a gated rectangle you put on the FLOOR or buy him a hamster ball & let him SAFELY run around the room in that. they can JUMP about 8 inches safely. beyond that there is risk for injury.

       Many injuries that result from hamster falls and dropped hamsters are very serious. A hamster dropped from a height of several feet can sustain internal injuries and internal bleeding. For a case like this, death usually follows within a matter of hours and no amount of veterinary care can help a hamster with such serious injuries from a fall or drop.
       Fractures and broken bones are also fairly common in hamsters who fall from a height or hamsters who are accidentally dropped. In some cases - particularly in the case of broken legs - euthanasia is the most practical and humane option.

In other cases when a hamster is dropped or if a hamster catches a leg, toe or foot in a hamster wheel or hamster ball, the pocket pet may sustain a sprain, bruise, a broken leg, or even a fractured rib in the case of a drop or fall. These hamster injuries are often survivable, but the hamster must be provided with supportive care like hand-feeding, pain medication and ice compresses.

"A hamster with a more minor rib fracture, for instance, can survive with supportive care. But pain medication is a must, so therefore, you will need to visit the vet," explained Dr. Michael Levine, DVM. He added, "Often, a hamster will stop eating and drinking due to pain, and it's dehydration and malnutrition that ultimately lead to the hamster's death. Pain medication will make the hamster comfortable during the healing process."

Applying ice compresses to the hamster's injured limb can also help to reduce pain, though caution should be taken to keep the rest of the hamster's body warm during and after the cold compress is applied to prevent hypothermia.

Owners of an injured hamster should avoid handling their hamster unless it's absolutely necessary; this helps to reduce stress and discomfort. it's also important to keep the injured hamster in a clean cage, located in a warm, quiet location that's conducive to rest and recovery.

In some cases, a hamster who is being treated with pain medication will eat and drink, but less than normal. In these instances, hand feeding and subcutaneous fluid injections may be necessary to help sustain the hamster until his injuries begin to heal.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hamster cage for 160 php

Hamster Cage For sale!!

Small- 160 Php
Large- 450 Php
Includes 1 Exercise Wheel and
2 water and food bowl..
fit a pair of hamster

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Hamster Cage (Round) Slightly used


Slightly used only (1 month) because after buying my daughter's hamsters we found out that it had dangerous allergens that complicated her asthma.
We added the plastic "burrow pipes" and the "treadmill." The pipes alone are worth P500 and the treadmill P150. The cage is complete with feeding dish and water bottle. Selling for only P1,200. You can't get get a better deal than this. I will also include 1 month supply of santized litter (kusot) and imported disinfecting kusot. Total cost is P1,800.
I bought the cage at PPH Animal Haven in Las Pinas only last December. And the hamsters were gifts for Christmas. New Year we had to say bye-bye to the cute little things. Bought the pipes and other hardware in Cartimar.

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Hamster Cage (Rectagle) slightly Used


(White, very slightly used--as in 1 week!)
Second hamster cage for my son's hamsters. (That why this is white and the other one is pink). Same story. Got rid of the hamsters early. Bought the cage and stuff in Cartimar. Brand new the whole package cost P1,500. I am selling for P1,200 only. Complete. This cage does not need to be scrub to  clean the wood shavings. Just pull out the base and wash.

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Hamsters will generally eat anything. From collared greens, to lean meat and fish, their diet is really only restricted by what you feed it. Generally stay with the store bought mixtures, as they tend to provide the required proteins and minerals your pet needs to remain healthy. Use other foods only as a supplement to your pet's primary diet. Be absolutely certain to never, under any circumstances, give the following foods and/or liquids to your pet, as they can cause your pet to get very ill, or even kill it. 

  • Almonds (Contains Cyanic Acid)
  • Apple Seeds
  • Canned food
  • Chocolate
  • Candies
  • Chips and Junk food
  • Pork Products
  • Potatoes (Raw)
  • Raw Kidney Beans
  • Eggplant
  • Fool's Parsley
  • Grape Seeds
  • Avocado (Contains Cardiac Glycosides)
  • Raw Rhubarb
  • Tomato leaves
  • Oranges or Tangerines(no citrus fruits)
  • No watermelon (the water content is high causes diarrhea)
  • Cherry Stone
  • Peach Stone & Leaves
  • Apricot Stone
  • Lemon or Lime
  • Jams and jellies
  • Spices
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Leeks
  • Scallions
  • Chives
  • Pickles
PS.  I hope everyone is well aware that it would be very very foolish to let your hamham drink alcoholic beverage drinks right? Rabbit food is not also advisable for your hamsters. One thing to keep in mind is that just because your hamster CAN eat almost anything, doesn't mean that it SHOULD. Meats and fish, although readily accepted by hamsters, can be a source of harmful bacteria that can make your pet ill. For the most part, it's best that you stick with the store bought mixtures

Hamsters are Meatlovers too

Do you know that hamsters are opportunists. They eat what they can get at that point in time. They also like variety...just like anything else.

I wouldn't give them a whole dog bone, just small peices of kibble as treats. Chicken is the best meat to give them. You can give them pork, beef and fish as well, but it's not recommended. Just give them a small peice of chicken when you have some.

Meats are a subject of contention among hamster lovers.  Some people feel that feeding meat to hamsters contributes to the tendency toward cannibalism.  Other people believe that there is no correlation between feeding meat to hamsters and their tendency to eat their young in overcrowded conditions. 
One thing is certain, though, your hamsters will need a source of protein.  So if you choose not to feed them meat, then supply them with enough mealworms or insects for their protein needs.  And make sure that if you do feed them meat, that it is beef, mutton, lamb, poultry and never pork or any pork products (which could make them very ill).

  • Cooked Ground Beef (Rinse well in hot water to remove any grease)
  • Cooked Chicken or Turkey (Steamed or baked)
  • Low Fat Cottage Cheese
  • Fish Cod (Cooked removing bones and skin)
  • Grasshoppers (Pet Shop)
  • Mealworms (Pet Shop)
  • Crickets (Pet Shop)
  • Bread(whole grain no white bread) soaked in milk ( Low Fat, Skim, Soy)
  • Eggs ( boiled or scrambled)
  • Plain Tofu
  • Plain Low Fat Yogurt
  • Dog Biscuits (No Garlic, onion, or onion powder)
  • Monkey Chow
  • Lab Blocks

Hamsters love Veggies

Vegetables are excellent foods for hamsters in small amounts. never make your pet go on a diet with vegetables because that will never make him healthy. For once in a while, feed your hamster with veggies. When first starting to feed your hamster fruits introduce it very slowly into their diet. f they appear to become sick stop feeding all the vegetables. There are some that can not adapt fast with the new set of food you are giving them. Do it step by step if possible.

  • Asparagus
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Bok Choy
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage (Limited amounts)
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Chard
  • Chestnuts
  • Chickweed
  • Chicory
  • Clover
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Cucumbers
  • Dandelion Leaves
  • Endive
  • Green Beans
  • Kale
  • Parsnips
  • Peas
  • Radicchio
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Sweet bell Peppers
  • Swiss Chard
  • Turnip
  • Water Chestnuts
  • Water Cress
  • Zucchini

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fruits for your Hammie

Fruits are good for the body not only for you but also your baby hamster. Although the hamster mix will provide the hamster with a good basic diet, hamsters also enjoy fruit. It's not always good to give your hamster non fresh snacks right? Give him the food that he deserves. Maybe fruits will make him extra happy. 

  • Apple (seedless)
  • Banana
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Cherries
  • Cranberries
  • Grapes(seedless)
  • Lychee
  • Mango
  • Melon
  • Peaches (no stone)
  • Plums (no pits)
  • Raspberries
  • Raspberry Leaves (helpful for diarrhea)
  • Strawberries

Hamster Food Guide

What does your Ham-ham like to eat? Maybe there are variety of food that they want to nomnomnom but there are also specific food that will surely make your hamster happy. 

Remember that sugar should be avoided with Campbell's dwarves as they are prone to diabetes so no fruits, corn, peas or carrots for them or anything containing alot of sugars. All new foods should be introduced slowly to avoid upsetting the hamster's stomach and/or causing diarrhea. 

A good way to introduce them is to give a piece of fruit/veggie one day skip a day or two then give them another piece of fruit/veggie skip a day or two and continue the cycle. Once their systems get used to that amount you can slowly add on more days.Don't go overboard with it though.It might give your hamster a bad tummy. I'd say two a day is the max it should go. That 2 daily being one fruit/veggie and one protein/other food. Make sure you rinse the fruits and vegetables off with water and let them sit at room temperature for a minute or two before giving them to the hamster(s). If anything is gotten from outside you need to be absolutely positive that there are no pesticides on or around it. If you're not sure on that it's best to stay away from wild plants/veggies/fruits.


I introduce to you 4 kinds of Dwarf Hamsters. To know more, click the breed you want. 

Chinese hamsters                                         Russian dwarf hamsters 

Roborovski's hamster                                    Winter White Russian hamsters


Dwarf hamsters make great pets. They look so cute and they are relatively easy to take care of. They are also fun to be with. If you are thinking of making this pet your companion, there are some things you need to know.
First of all, just like any other pet, you need to take them when they are young. The best time to get the hamster is right after it has been weaned from the master mother. This means he will have a minimum of four weeks. The best adoptable age for a hamster is minimum two months old. The best time to get one is after two months since birth. It may come as a surprise for you but the hamsters can get pregnant at the age of 2 months. So adopt one between 4 weeks and two months. It will be perfect like that. It is important to not get an old one because it will be harder if not impossible to tame them. If the hamster is young, he can easily be socialized and trained.
After reading this, you may now want to go to a pet store and take a look at some hamsters.
Wait a little till it’s afternoon. The hamsters are nocturnal pets. In the morning the hamsters are not very friendly because they are sleepy. You can see them at the peak of the energy level during late afternoon or even in the evening. Then you will be able to spot their cute personality.

The main elements about hamster care
If you want to take the best hamster in the shop or just see the most agile and independent, you need to look at the hamster’s eyes. The healthy hamsters have very clean eyes, beautiful shiny fur and a good and energetic disposition. If you see that the hamster is loosing the fur, it means he has a health problem. Also, lumps on the body indicate the same problem too. Healthy animals don’t have lumps.

You need to pick an energetic and fresh looking hamster. That is if you don’t want to have problems. Taking care of a sick hamster is not that easy as you may think. Nursing a hamster back to health can be problematic. You need to make an appointment with a vet and let him diagnose the pet. There are many illnesses hard to discover in a hamster and some have no treatment.
Treating the sick hamster could also drain you of energy and emotion. Hamster care also means finding the suitable companionship. Hamsters need each other. They can not live by themselves. Many vets and breeders recommend buying hamster pairs because they need to socialize. This is not all the time true with the hamsters but with dwarf hamsters is true. The male needs a female and the other way around. This is very recommended if you want to have hamster babies too. You can also place together hamsters of the same sex, if you don’t want hamster babies. But determining the hamster’s sex can be very tricky and full of surprises.
Hamster feeding
Feeding your precious hamster is something that deserves your whole attention. They need the basic requirements and nutrients, every day or else they get sick. In the local pet stores there are many hamster types of food at good prices. One hamster needs to be fed one time a day. He only requires two table spoons and plenty of water.
Unlike other pets, they need to be fed in the evening. Because they are nocturnal, they need sustenance before night fall. You can also make at home a mix of some fresh leaves, add some vegetables and give them to the hamster. He will be most pleased with that. Hamster love fruits and vegetables. If you notice a disorder or some irregular bowel movements, you can stop feeding the hamster for at least two days. In this time, he will recuperate.
After the two recuperation days, give him only vegetables for other ten days. After the pet eats, take away the excess vegetables and fruits. Don’t leave them there to root. Besides that, try not to give him too many foods that contain sugar. Some hamsters easily develop diabetes. Try to give them the hamster food from the pet real food.
If you do that, you will have a healthy hamster.

Chinese Hamsters


Family: Cricetidae 
Genus: Cricetulus 
Gestation: 23-30 days

The Chinese Hamster (Cricetulus griseus) comes from the desert areas of Mongolia and Northern China. Their average size is 3-4 inches. They are unique because of their tails, which are unusually long for a hamster. They actually resemble a mouse, and have a long slender body. They are not technically Dwarf hamsters, although many refer to them as Dwarf hamsters because of their small size.

Chinese hamsters are generally dark brown or dark grey in color, with a dark stripe going down their spine. These cute animals usually have a calm demeanor. They can be fast moving, but they rarely bite. They are shy animals, and are not always very active when handled, but are fun to observe as they go about their routines inside their cage.

These kinds of hamsters are quite aggressive especially if it is new to its environment. You may need to separate it at first because it may quarrel other hamsters in sight or in territory.  To be safe, separate Chinese Hamsters from others then group them if they give out no sign of aggression .

Their average lifespan is 2-3 years. 

Roborovski's Hamster


Family: Cricetidae 
Genus: Phodopus 
Gestation: 23-30 days

Roborovski hamsters (Phodopus roborovskii) are the the smallest and fastest of all 
hamsters, can live up to 2 to 3 and a half years and are commonly kept as pets.
This little hamsters are easily started by other hamsters but they rarely bite.  Roborovskis 
are extremely affectionate towards each other. Their social nature means that when 
housed together at an early age, they sleep in one place and indeed eat, play etc. 
Roborovskis grow to about 4 - 5cm long (not 7cm as some sources say), have bullet shaped 
bodies and very long hind legs for fast running.
Roborovski hamsters can enjoy being together. Two of these hamsters from different litters may get along if introduced properly, although there is always a chance they may not. It is common for this breed to be extremely friendly. They are very kind and often do everything with each other for the rest of the life. Compatible cage mates will generally play, eat, and sleep together in the same spot. Their antics are constantly entertaining and they make excellent pets for those who want animals that are fun to watch and require less personal handling.

Their average lifespan is 3-3.5 years.

Russian Dwarf Hamster

Family: Cricetidae 
Genus: Phodopus 
Gestation: 18-21 days

First of all, you should know that the term Russian dwarf hamster can actually refer to three distinctly different species of dwarf hamsters. This includes the Roboroski’s dwarf hamster, the Campbell’s Russian dwarf hamster and the Winter White Russian dwarf hamster.
Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster ( Phodopus campbelli ) is more common than the Dwarf Winter White Russian hamsters, and is easier to find in pet shops today. At 8-10 centimeters in length, the Russian Winter White is similar in size and appearance to the Campbell’s Russian dwarf. In fact they are very often mistakenly considered as one and the same species. The smallest of the three species, the teeny weeny Roboroski hamster grows to a maximum ofonly 4-5 centimeters. Now that’s tiny!  Their average lifespan is 1.5-2 years.
Campbell's Russian Dwarf hamsters can be difficult to handle due to their small size. They are fairly sociable and will get along well with others of its own kind, but there still may be an occasional argument between the hamsters.

Winter White Dwarf Hamster

Family: Cricetidae
Genus: Phodopus
Gestation: 18-21 days

Often referred to as the Siberian Hamster, the Winter White was introduced in the early 1970's. Although currently less common than the Campbells DwarF, they are rapidly increasing in popularity. Because of the unique ability to change colors (from dark grey to white) as a winter camouflage in the wild, they have earned the title of Winter White. Around 1988, a mutation appeared in the Winter Whites— a pure white top coat with black guard hairs, grey ears and black eyes. This is now commonly referred to as the Winter White Pearl. At about the same time, the SAPPHIRE appeared with it's smokey grey top coat (with a slight blue tinge). Again, the eyes are black and the ears a soft grey. Crossing the Sapphire to the Pearl creates a Sapphire Pearl. 

Winter White Dwarf Hamsters ( Phodopus sungorus )  are very small, measuring only slightly over three inches and weighing less than an ounce. Their average lifespan is 1.5-2 years.

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